Art as an Asset Class

Artledger는 미술품을 자산으로 활용한 법인 절세 및 투자
컨설팅에 특화된 국내 최초의 전문 기업입니다.
저희는 미술, 세무, 법률, 금융 전문가로 구성된 최상의 컨설팅 그룹을 바탕으로
기업과 개인 고객에게 최적의 미술품 절세 및 컬렉션 자산 운용 전략을 제공합니다.

Art as an Asset Class

Artledger는 미술품을 자산으로 활용한 법인 절세 및
투자 컨설팅에 특화된 국내 최초의 전문 기업입니다.

저희는 미술, 세무, 법률, 금융 전문가로 구성된 최상의
컨설팅 그룹을 바탕으로 기업과 개인 고객에게 최적의
미술품 절세 및 컬렉션 자산 운용 전략을 제공합니다.

Art as an Asset Class

Artledger는 미술품을 자산으로 활용한 법인 절세 및 투자
컨설팅에 특화된 국내 최초의 전문 기업입니다.
저희는 미술, 세무, 법률, 금융 전문가로 구성된 최상의 컨설팅 그룹을 바탕으로
기업과 개인 고객에게 최적의 미술품 절세 및 컬렉션 자산 운용 전략을 제공합니다.

Prepare your CSV file

Make sure your file is exported as a "CSV" file, also known as a "Comma Separated Values" file. If you encounter any issues you'll want to verify your file is UTF-8 encoded and less than 5mb. If your file is larger than that, try removing columns you may not need. See below for additional information on specific fields.

Tip: You do not have to import every column from your CSV. Only fields set up in your CMS collection in the next step will be imported.

Rich Text Fields

Formatted text content needs to be formatted as HTML. Many tags are supported, such as paragraphs and headers <p>,<h1>, <h2>), formatting (<em>, <i>, <strong>), links (<a>), lists (<ol>, <ul>, <li>) and images (<img>). Images from URLs will be automatically downloaded from their original source and imported into Framer.

Image Fields

Images in your CSV content must be URLs to an image. They will be downloaded and imported into Framer. Relative paths are not supported.

Date Fields

Recommended format is ISO8601 compliant, for example: 2023-12-17T14:42:00. The shorthand value of year-month-day is also supported, for example: 1982-12-01. Long format strings may work, but will depend on your browser, for example: Tue May 12 2020 18:50:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time). All time data, including time zone information, will be stripped from the date.

Color Fields

A color formatted as CSS hexadecimal RGB code, rgb, hls or hlv expression, or a named color. All variants with an alpha value are also supported. Examples: #00ffee, rgb(0, 153, 255), hsla(204, 100%, 50%, 0.5), blue, darkgreen, rebeccapurple.

Toggle Fields

A boolean value. Y, yes, TRUE, 1 will be interpreted as the toggle being "Yes", all other values will be "No".

Prepare your CMS Collection

Here is a checklist to prepare your CMS collection for importing.

  1. Verify each field/column in your CSV has a matching field in your CMS collection with the same name.

  2. Include a unique field for each item, often named "Slug"

  3. Verify that your data types match (eg. a CMS Date field for a date field in your data)

Tip: Framer uses your Slug field to identify each item, and will use it to update that item with repeat imports.

Import your CSV file

You can find the Import feature by going to the CMS in your project, and clicking "Import" in the toolbar. From there, you can select your CSV file for importing. You may also drag & drop your CSV file directly into the CMS collection interface.

Tip: Importing supports Undo / Redo actions. If you're not happy with the import, you can simply undo the change with CMD+Z on MacOS or CTRL + Z on Windows. Redo will not re-run the import, but instantly apply the changes to the collection.

Updating or Re-Importing

To update your content, you can import into the same collection again. If any item in the new import has a slug field that matches one of the items in your collection, you will be able to update it or skip importing it again.

72, Samseongyo-ro 23ga-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul (Interblue Building 1F)

Tel. +82-2-925-3630 / Fax. +82-2-925-3639

Mobile. +82-10-6432-4471 / E-mail.

Copyright © Artledger Consulting Inc. 2025

72, Samseongyo-ro 23ga-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul (Interblue Building 1F)

Tel. +82-2-925-3630 / Fax. +82-2-925-3639

Mobile. +82-10-6432-4471 / E-mail.

Copyright © Artledger Consulting Inc. 2025

72, Samseongyo-ro 23ga-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul (Interblue Building 1F)

Tel. +82-2-925-3630 / Fax. +82-2-925-3639

Mobile. +82-10-6432-4471 / E-mail.

Copyright © Artledger Consulting Inc. 2025